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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Welcome to Lyle's AutoCAD!

Well, here we go! I'm Blogging!
I've often wanted to.  Never have. So why now?
I was just notified today that my 2012 AutoCAD Weekly Planner went live on the Autodesk Exchange Apps store.

So, if you use AutoCAD, which I'mthinking you do if you found this blog, go to the Exchange Apps store and search for Planner, download the PDF file, print it, bind it and learn an AutoCAD command, tip or trick every week while you plan your days.

I will be posting tips and tricks and things I learn here (hopefully) regularly.

Who am I? What do I do?

My name is Lyle Hardin. I have used, and customized AutoCAD since 1989.
Since 1994, I have worked at CDG Engineers in St. Louis, Missouri. CDG is a full service Engineering firm specializing in heavy industrial engineering, mostly material handling for the power and mining industries. I am Supervisor of our Design Technology Department. The DTD is basically the IT department of the engineering / design software.  We research, test, purchase, install, customize the CAD software; support and train the users; and develop new ways to use the software.  I also develop 3D models and animations for preliminary concepts for the client and potential clients.

I enjoy what I do (most days) and have fun at work (for the most part).

A future post will have to deal with how all this software works (or doesn't) work together. We use Inventor for the Mechanical department, Revit Structure for the Structural department, Civil 3D for Civil work and plain AutoCAD everywhere. The 2013 versions of this software promise better interoperability. We'll see. And I'll post.


Learn AutoCAD


  1. Hello Lyle! Just wanted to say congratulations on finally starting to blog!

    Keep it up! Really like the recent mouse and command-line tips. Alot of acad users ignore the command line much of the time it would seem. FOOLS! :P

    If you have anything to say about rendering in 3D, I'd love to see an entry!

    Thanks again. -wc

    1. Thanks WC.
      I do most of my rendering in 3DS MAX Design so I haven't really used AutoCAD's default rendering package much, other than rendering or shading viewports of 3D models for printing. I've not done much in the way of photorealistic rendering in AutoCAD. I do know that it has improved over the years.
