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Monday, February 20, 2012

AutoCAD Selections and more


There are many ways to SELECT objects in AutoCAD. Be aware of the different options available when working "Noun/Verb" (picking objects, then issuing a command) vs "Verb/Noun" (issuing a command, then selecting your objects).

So, let's get this straight...
Verb/Noun... Issue the MOVE command, THEN pick objects, hit ENTER, and move them.
Noun/Verb... Pick or otherwise Select your objects, THEN issue the MOVE command and move them.

Verb/Noun Selections:
Picking, Windowing (W), and Crossing (C) are the most familiar. 
Don't neglect Fence (F)
WindowPoly (WP)
and CrossingPoly (CP). 
These are useful for making selections of entities in odd shaped areas. 
(L) for Last and 
(P) for Previous are also useful. 
Type in R to remove objects while selecting. 
For instance: Type MOVE, then CP (or WP, etc) and
start moving the mouse and clicking. You'll see a polygon being created that will select objects if they are inside and touching the polygon (CP) or just inside the polygon (WP).

Noun/Verb Selections:
Just start picking or pick drag to select objects. You can also type in SELECT and pick objects using the selection methods above. Use Shift+pick or Shift+Window/Crossing (dragging mouse) to remove objects.

Quick Select: Accessible from a held down right click or from an icon at the top of the properties dialog box. See Help > Right Click Customization if you don't get a pop up when holding down the right mouse button. Also see Assumptions at the beginning of this planner. Quick Select allows you to apply a set of basic filters to select certain objects. For instance you can Quick Select all Lines on the A-WALL-NEW layer, or all Blocks with the name Chair.

The SELECT SIMILAR option is available in the pop up menu (2011+) by picking one or more objects, Right click > Select Similar.

SSX is a powerful selection routine available in AutoCAD, but not LT. This ancient command line routine allows you to find objects based on certain properties. It builds a selection set, then you issue your command (Erase, Move, Copy, etc.) and type P for Previous to bring back that selection set found by SSX.

Trimming and Extending can be done by Crossing (ver 2006+) and Fence.

The FILTER command offers a variety of selection options. For example, you can find (or FILTER) all the Circles on the Layer M-STEL with a diameter of 1/2" or smaller.

Same with the Shift Key!

The SHIFT key provides other options as well as changing some commands.
  • Shift + Right mouse button will bring up your OSNAPs during editing commands providing your Right Click options are set accordingly in Options > User Preferences. See the Assumptions page of this planner.
  • Shift + Left mouse button will remove objects from your selection set providing you are selecting the objects before issuing a command (Noun/Verb mode).
  • If you want to FILLET or CHAMFER with a 0 distance, start the FILLET or CHAMFER command, pick your first line, hold down shift and pick the second line. It will fillet with a 0 radius without changing the radius you may have previously set.
  • If you hold down SHIFT while using Trim or Extend it will perform the opposite command, so you can issue the TRIM command, trim a few lines, then hold down shift and when you pick lines, they will EXTEND to the 'trim' line.
  • Shift + Middle mouse button (wheel) will do one of two things:
  1. Hold Shift then Middle mouse button (wheel) and you will start a 3D orbit around your model as you move your mouse.
  2. Hold Middle mouse button then hold Shift and you will Pan orthogonally vertical or horizontal when you move your mouse.
I've published my 52 tips from my Weekly planner to the Kindle!
Get it straight from Amazon here:
Or, search for ACAD on your Kindle and it should come up on the first results page.
The complete title is "AutoCAD 52 Tips Tricks and Little Known Commands"

Thanks for visiting! (Sorry it's been a while)
Til next time,

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